In Order To Build a Larger Business You Have to Develop Constantly

If you want to have more, you have to become more.
For things to change, you have to change.
For things to get better, you have to become better.
If you improve, everything will improve for you.
If you grow, your money will grow; your relationships, your health, your business and every external effect will mirror that growth in equal correlation. - Jim Rohn
To be successful just find someone who has been able to accomplish what you want to accomplish and ask for their advice. The advice I keep getting from very successful network marketers is to work harder on yourself than you do on the business.
What does that mean?
Spend a lot of time on improving your skills and belief especially in yourself.
Every day read a personal development book or listen to an audio that will get you fired up or learn a new skill useful for your business.
What I Did at First to Develop Daily
The first thing I bought when I started my journey was a getting started box from a personal development company that included books like Rich Dad, Poor Dad, Your First Year In Network Marketing, Think and Grow Rich.
In my first two years I would spend a lot of time driving to my other job and I turned my car into an automobile university. I had two favorite cd’s that would play over and over again. One was Jim Rohn’s Building Your Network Marketing Business. The other was called Sleepless Nights and it was a 5 point business presentation by Nathan Ricks and a 15 min overview of why no by Jeff Mack both $20 million earners in our industry.
Wash Those Negative Thoughts Away!
Over the years the audios and the books have changed but the amount of time I spend working on my brain has not. Some people would say I am brainwashed. I 100% agree with them. My brain is so full of negative things coming from every day life that I need to wash it out. Does that mean I have no sense of reality? Depends on how you define your reality.
Podcast Recommendations for Network Marketers
Any interview or audio by the successful leaders in our company
I also very often will listen to audiobooks as I am in the car or flying somewhere.
The key for me is also to go through these at a faster pace so on my phone I now listen to everything at twice the speed. At times I come home to finish an episode and I have it on speaker and my wife gives me that You Are Nuts look when she hears the cartoon-like noice.
Spillover Effect of Personal Development
One of the best things about personal development is that it enables us to improve not just our business but also in the areas of health, relationships, communication, ability to cope and to get perspective. This is probably way more important than actually growing our business. Or do we possibly grow our business because we tend to improve in all the other areas of our life and therefore have the right energy? No matter how you answer that you are winning!
Do Not Motive Your Team Instead Give Them Tools to Motivate Themselves
I often get the question how do you best motivate your team.
I don’t!
Instead I look for ways to give them tools so they can motivate themselves. This is much more scalable and will also last more long term. The tools I give them are exactly the tools I have written about above. The more they spend on personal development the more I see them overcoming anxiety, self-confidence issues, lack of motivation and consistency.
Challenge For You!
I challenge you to now spend at least 20 minutes every day on personal development. (up to 2 hours if you are really serious)
Share the best tips you learn with other people.
Introduce at least one person per week to a great podcast or book.
Start a book club where you are all reading and discussing a book/audio.
Apply the things you learn into your life!
Book Recommendations:
Think and Grow Rich Napoleon Hill (took me about 4 reads to really get it)
Go For no! Yes Is The Destination, No Is How You Get There - Richard Fenton and Andrea Waltz
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AUTHOR: Daniel Norell
Daniel Norell teaches people how to make money with Instagram and Facebook. He teaches ways in which you can grow your following by 50-250 followers per day and then monetize your following. If you love to have fun and work with like-minded people, then talk to this chatbot: or have a browse around the website: