Failing Over and Over Again Will Lead to Success

Why Fail?
The main reasons you want to fail is to gain more experience, get the knowledge, become tougher, more resilient and grow. Ultimately failure will lead you to success!
How do you score if you never shoot?
Growing up playing basketball and football my coaches always told me I missed 100% of the shots I never took. So there were days when I would start out super cold. Maybe make 1 of my first 8 shots or so. They would then say keep shooting. Suddenly I would make the next seven shots and be a respectable 8 for 15. So I have always had the attitude of keep shooting!
You need to have a no fear of failure attitude in order to take massive action and adjust the course as you go along.
Experience - understand things better.
The more times you fail the more experience you will get and that experience will enable you to make better decisions going forward. I have made so many mistakes in our business that today I can make much better decisions and also advice others before they make same mistakes.
The biggest challenge I see for most is that they are willing to quit after their first 20 rejections. I went through about two years of being afraid of rejection and therefore not speaking to enough people. Then I started to lose my fear of cold calling and talking to people. Well never totally losing the fear as even now after 12 years I am still not totally comfortable getting rejected.
I have come to terms that rejection is the only way towards success. I want success much more than losing some short term pride when someone rejects me. So the question for you is how bad do you want it?
“I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.” - Thomas A. Edison
Mindset is the key to handling failure.
In the early days I would be so afraid of rejection. These days I do not even remember the no’s. I might have days with tons of no’s but it does not even register any more. I always think of a no as not yet. If you can have more fun with the failure and rejection and understand that yes that will be 95% of your business experience and 5% will be the positives then you will have way more fun and way more success.
“I've missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I've been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.” - Michael Jordan
Go For No!
One of my favorite books and one I highly recommend as one of the first books to read when starting your business is Go For No by Richard Fenton and Andrea Waltz.
After watching a video of Ray Higdon talking about his way to success was going for 20 NO’s a day. This was the beginning of an accountability I was part of with other incredible leaders. The goal of the group was to create accountability and make us all step up our actions. We had to get 20 NO’s every single day we worked the business.
The magic happens when the team goes for NO!
The biggest power for any network marketer is to not just go for failure yourself but to bring your entire team with you. Create a group who are accountable to each other and read the book Go For No together and report on your daily rejection to each other. The incredible results that you will see in your business will create a very good life. Also, you will end up having so much fun!
So when you have failed over and over again just keep shooting!
Challenge of the week:
My challenge to you this week is see if you can hear the word no at least 5 times a day about people not wanting to join your opportunity. If they ignore you it does not count as a no so go speak to more people.
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AUTHOR: Daniel Norell
Daniel Norell teaches people how to make money with Instagram and Facebook. He teaches ways in which you can grow your following by 50-250 followers per day. How can you then monetize your following. If you love to have fun and work with like-minded people then go through the right answers on this chatbot: or browse around the website: