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Beach Money by Jordan Adler Review

“Nothing great has ever been accomplished in a state of hesitation.” ― Jordan Adler

I had already been in the industry for over 10 years the first time I read this book. I also listened to the audio book as well.

Jordan Adler has a very inspiring story as he failed over and over again before he made it work.

Beach Money is sometimes referred to as mailbox money, passive income, or residual income. It all has to do with working very hard one time and then being able to take a step back and see that income continue. This is often the dream going into a network marketing business. However, I find that many leaders find it very difficult to stop working as it is often so much fun once you have built up a great team.

A few points to learn from the book:

1. Help other people build a business instead of focus 100% on finding customers yourself

2. Focus on passive income not trading your time for money.

3. Build relationships every single day to become incredibly connected.

4. Surround yourself with people who have similar goals and thoughts about success as you.

5. Make friends without always pitching your business.

6. Create memorable experiences - especially now with social media attraction marketing.

7. Invest in yourself. Investing money into seminars and growing yourself is very important.

8. Dream big.

9. Go for no, now! Do not wait until the perfect moment because it never comes.

10. Focus on your people skills more than your technical skills.

11. Outsource anything that does not have to do with your business.

12. Always keep your message simple and consistent.

This video shows you a great example of beach money!!

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