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Interview with a Successful Salesman

Sales tips listen


In line with the process of helping to design your life, I decided to ask my dad, Bjorn Norell, to do a short interview during my visit to him in Stockholm. He worked in the banking sector making investments and dealing with the stock market while also working in sales all his life. He decided to share some of the success principles from his brilliant knowledge of sales and investments. I would like you to act by applying them in building the life you want.

What Have You Done To Achieve Your Success In The Financial World?

First, you need to get some experience. Then you should have a vision, talk to a lot of people with very creative ideas to help you make something realistic from this vision. Also, you need to set very clear goals to help you achieve this vision and then work hard to be successful.

What Are Some Of Your Top Tips For People In Sales?

Well it’s the same story. You must set a lot of goals for yourself and work hard to achieve them. It also important to avoid talking too much but listening to what the people like and what they would like to invest in and the conclusion will help you.

I will like to add how thankful I am for the principles I’ve been able to learn from him during my life. He really influenced my decision, as well as those of my siblings, to move from the corporate world to entrepreneurship after university. He has really taught us to work hard, set goals, and take risks while remaining super focused. I really hope this short excerpt from the interview with my dad has taught you something to improve your life.

Please share in the comments below how your parents have influenced your decisions in life.

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