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Top 10 Ways to Have Fun in Network Marketing

Top 10 Ways to Have Fun in Network Marketing

1. Do Not Take Yourself So Seriously 2. Social Events 3. Think Fun and Business Together 4. Celebrate Success 5. Get Togethers 6. Be Goofy 7. Contests 8. Recognition 9. Gifts to Your Team 10. Dreamboarding


When I had been in this business for 5.5 years and was still stuck at a pretty low level, one of my mentors and uplines moved to the UK, where I was then living. The major thing he introduced to my business was the element of fun. Once I began enjoying myself and having fun at work, everything changed. Before he moved to the UK, I had been so focused on being a serious business man and trying to bring up my credibility because I felt that I was too young and lacked experience. It wasn’t until my mentor arrived that I realised everyone is looking to be a part of something fun. Fun is energy, and energy is what attracts others.


When you take yourself and life too seriously then you probably do not smile or laugh enough. The ability to take the piss out of yourself is often what will make you more lovable. Once you let your guard down a bit others are able to relax and be more drawn towards you. Make fun of yourself and show people that you are human. Well, I am Superman so it’s a bit difficult for me to be human, but you get my gist. Har har.


Everyone loves a good party. This does not always have to include twenty tequila shots and a big fat hangover. You can have loads of fun as a group doing fun things like bowling, games, meals, tennis tournament, hiking. Some of my favourite activities that I’ve done with my work team have been canyoning and power boating - anything that involves adrenalin and teamwork is going to make for an unforgettable experience.


Business and fun are not mutually exclusive. In fact, they should always be combined, even if you are speaking about something serious like changing people’s lives with network marketing. You can have a great time while also talking about serious topics like helping people find a solution to debt.


Have you ever worked super hard towards something; achieved it and then just moved on to another goal? It is so important that we set targets and attach a celebration or reward to that achievement and celebrate the crap out of it.

It does not matter if it something small - your successes just need to be marked in some way. For example, you could get your first sale and then do a crazy celebratory dance for two minutes. You can send that to your closest business partners or just keep it to yourself, depends how great a dancer you are...


Organise events that might not even include business at all. Summer is great for barbecues. Have everyone in your area do a hike as that includes both exercise, nature, and bonding. Bring the kids! How incredible for your kids to be surrounded by extraordinary people who are usually very positive and all are working hard towards their dreams.


Every day find something goofy to do and just take the piss. For example, step out of your comfort zone with a goofy video that you post in your facebook group. People love it when you are being yourself.


I consider myself one of the most competitive people in the world with myself also coming in second place. Not everyone likes competition but there are some who thrive on this. Creating a competition within your team can create great results as everyone with a hint of competitive juice in their body will do a bit more than they usually would. Prizes can be anything from free products, gift cards, or even just incredible recognition if you do not have the money for other things.


This leads to our next topic - focus on recognizing people in whatever you do. Recognize people who get the most rejections, recognize people who step out of their comfort zone to do their first FB Live, recognize people for achieving success. This is something that is majorly missing in the workplace so why not create that incredible feeling for people.


When someone in your team does well then if you can, send them a gift. It doesn’t have to be anything expensive - even a card in the post can go a long way in helping people feel good. Have fun with your writing and do not make it too sterile which I often make the mistake of doing!


Go experience things outside your comfort spending zone. For example, if you currently drive a Toyota Yaris (my car of choice with good reason) then make sure you go into a car place and see if you can test drive a Jaguar F-Type or whatever your dream car is. I would choose a Tesla because it would be awesome to drive something that’s cool AND environmentally friendly… For more ideas as to how you can make a positive difference, check out - yep, this is a blatant pitch of my wife’s awesome project!)

Another idea - if you are currently renting a property for $400 a month, go check out a place that would cost you ten times as much each month just to expand your mind. Also, do this with your team to make it more fun. Take pictures and stick them on your dream board. Have a get-together with your team and make dream boards and share them with each other. This will deepen your “why” and you’ll also have a lot of fun doing it with the team. Team bonding is an incredibly important part of our business.

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