You Need to Recruit this Many to Have Success

So pop quiz!! How many people do you have to recruit to get to the top?
There is only one person and that is yourself.
You have to fake it 'til you make it - develop the right mindset and understand that "if its gonna be, its up to me."
What I mean by that is not to tell people that you are something you are not. Be honest! The truth is always good enough. However, right now think about how you feel just sitting there reading this. Now stand up and stick your chest out imagining how amazing you feel when you hit the upper most level in this business. How do you feel now? All you have done is used a bit of imagination and better posture. I used to shout out a definite purpose statement each morning that went something like this: "It's 19th of march 2009 and I, Daniel Norell, am so happy and grateful to be receiving 25k pounds per month from my network marketing business..." The only issue for me with that was that the number was too big for my belief. I didn't really believe back then that I could make that much. My brother said to use 10k instead. It was a bit disappointing but it made me realise that sometimes you have to actually create the bridge where you can check things off and feel good about yourself instead of just focusing 100% on that final destination. Progress is key!
Find ways that are going to make you believe more in yourself and that you are going to the top.