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A Bit About Me

If you’ve ever encountered a tall, goofy Swede who sounds American and who loves to dance in front of the mirror with his three left feet, then we have already met!

If we haven’t already met, then I’ll tell you a bit about myself. I was born in Sweden, spent a few years in Ecuador, attended primary and secondary school in Luxembourg. I completed my engineering degree at Lehigh University in the US and returned to Luxembourg to play basketball professionally and work in a bank. A year or so later, we moved to Sydney, Australia where I continued working in the banking world, or ‘the dark side’ as many call it. While in Australia, my brother introduced me to network marketing. I put in a few years of solid hard work and am now enjoying the freedom to live and work wherever and whenever I want. At the moment, that place is Valencia, Spain. I now help others start up in the same business to achieve their own ‘laptop lifestyle’.

I started to help people like you get practical tips on improving their network marketing business.

I hope you find some helpful tips on this website to enable you to enjoy your own laptop lifestyle!

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